
Greek Virtual Keyboard (Ελληνικό Πληκτρολόγιο)

Type Greek text online without installing any software. Our virtual Greek keyboard supports the full Greek alphabet, making it easy to type in Greek for documents, messages, and social media.


  • Complete Greek alphabet support
  • Both uppercase and lowercase Greek letters
  • Greek tonos (accent) marks
  • Greek punctuation marks and special characters
  • Easy copy and paste functionality
  • Works on all devices and browsers

Typing Tips

  • Type using the standard Greek keyboard layout
  • Tonos (accent) marks automatically position correctly
  • Greek question mark (;) and other punctuation available
  • Special Greek characters accessible via shift key

About this Keyboard Layout

Our Greek keyboard follows the standard Greek layout used in Greece and Cyprus. The Greek alphabet has 24 letters and is the ancestor of all modern European alphabets. The keyboard supports both monotonic (single accent) and polytonic (multiple accent) Greek writing systems, though monotonic is the standard in modern Greek.