
Hindi Virtual Keyboard (हिंदी कीबोर्ड)

Type Hindi text online without installing any software. Our virtual Hindi keyboard supports the full Devanagari script used in Hindi, making it easy to type in Hindi for documents, messages, and social media.


  • Complete Devanagari script support
  • All Hindi consonants (क, ख, ग, घ...) and vowels (अ, आ, इ, ई...)
  • Hindi numerals and punctuation
  • Special characters and conjuncts
  • Easy copy and paste functionality
  • Works on all devices and browsers

Typing Tips

  • Type using phonetic mapping from English letters
  • Consonants and vowels combine automatically
  • Special conjuncts form naturally as you type
  • Hindi numerals and punctuation available directly

About this Keyboard Layout

Our Hindi keyboard uses a phonetic layout that maps Hindi sounds to similar English letters, making it intuitive for both Hindi speakers and learners. The Devanagari script is used for Hindi and several other Indian languages, featuring a horizontal line at the top of each character and complex conjuncts formed by combining consonants and vowels.